Z Energy responds to new supply chain opportunities

How do you measure learning experience going forward? That was the big question for Julie Fitzgerald from Z Energy when partnering again with Synapsys in 2022 – this time to help develop a company-wide learning and training platform with a focus on understanding supply chain models. Our Managing Director, Phil, recently sat down with Julie to dive more in depth into what this project entailed and what led Z Energy to consider a game-based solution.

The key strategy that Z Energy took in this process, Julie says, was essentially to work backwards. That is, consider first what changes will impact on the supply chain model, understand the implications of those changes, and then consider the impact on each team of these changes across the supply chain. Knowing how big of a change moving to an import-only supply model would be – arguably the largest structural change to the industry to date – Julie says they knew the focus of learning had to be framed around the organization as a whole as much as on certain individuals within it. In order to do so, it would first be necessary to go right back to the beginning, by looking at the structure behind Z Energy as an organization and who they really are at each level – only by taking these steps would they be able to design the platform in a way that would have a positive, long-term impact. Watch the full video to find out what this entailed.